Ryuta Iida / Lithospher / www.ryuta-iida.com
Ryuta Iida / Lithospher - Works
works 2004 | 一坪展(第22回一坪展グランプリ受賞) / 静的構造 / simon / layer / meni mieru mienai / a sence / rive
works 2005 | HMV / inside of book / book lack / mog / sofa / re-enter an exit
works 2006 | ornament of book / poem book / poem glass / I see,I can't see / coler book / 黒田潔×飯田竜太 / (g)飯田竜太展 / graf media gm 「Fact of Accumulation 07-蓄積の事実-」展
works 2007 | misin01
works 2008 | jill sunder
works 2009 | 12th_taro_okamoto_aword